Admission is going on, last date for submit the application is 22/09/2021 for merit list II
Admission Portal (Graduation)
  • The Subject has lower than 45% marks, may not be opted as Honours Paper.
  • The Subject that has maximum marks 50, may not be opted as Honours Paper.
  • The Honours Paper has been Selected, Must be read in the level of Intermediate.
  • In the case of Opted Botany as Honours, Subsidiary will be Chemistry and Zoology.
  • In the case of Opted Zoology as Honours, Subsidiary will be Chemistry and Botany.
  • In the Case of opted Mathematics as Honours, Subsidiary will be Chemistry and Physics.
  • In the Case of opted Physics as Honours, Subsidiary will be Chemistry and Mathematics.
Notice/ News
  • The last date of Admission in B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. is 22/09/2021
  • The Student has below 50% marks in the subject may not be opted as Honours
आवश्यक निर्देश :- (i )Admission form ऑनलाइन करने के पश्चात् एक दिन के अंदर कॉलेज काउंटर पर submit करना अनिवार्य है।
                        (ii ) एडमिशन फॉर्म submit करने के पश्चात दो दिन के बाद PPU के वेबसाइट पर जाकर देख ले की आपका एडमिशन confirm हुआ है या नहीं अगर confirm नहीं हो तो कॉलेज में संपर्क करे।                         (iii ) PPU के वेबसाइट पर एडमिशन confirm होने के बाद आप Registration ऑनलाइन कर ले अन्यथा आपका एडमिशन रद्द कर दिया जायेगा।
-:Contact us:-

Dr. Manikant Sinha
Prof. In-Charge
Kisan College, Sohsarai
Dr. Sudhir Ranjan
Admission In- Charge
Kisan College, Sohsarai
Sri. A.K. Chaudhary
Technical Assistant
Kisan College, Sohsarai